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What do I do ?I serve people who are struggling with lack of confidence,anxiety issues,stress and physical pain, to gain control of their thoughts,bodies and daily routines and to live happily and confidently the work life balance ,resulting in happier relationships, a better quality of life and enjoying and living life to the full .The tools I use to achieve this are Angelic healings, Reflexology, Energy Therapy Techniques ,Crystal healings and other Energetic techniques I have learnt throughout my journey.These therapies are amazing ways of rebalancing the physical,emotional,mental and spiritual bodies,putting that energy ,confidence and love back into life!
I am a Holistic Therapist and I say that very proudly .I have never been so passionate and connected to anything I have ever done before.I am a mother of three so day to day life is challenging and very busy!!!Knowing that I am supported on a physical, mental,emotional and spiritual level is a blessing.But the real reward is being able to open up this world to you,to help to heal yourself in the same way.Being a healer is a blessing and an honour and I am very grateful.
Using Energetic techniques ,is an amazing and effective way to release anything that does not serve you,anything that is not at peace with you , old habits or destructive patterns.You will then be able to fill that space with qualities such as peace,calmness,clarity and strength that you deserve and need in order to face anything that crosses your path.
Meditation is also part of everyday life for me,there is nothing as calming and refreshing as quietening the mind,bringing yourself back to the present moment and focusing on the here and now.
Why chose me?
I was in my mid 30 's before I found this holistic approach to life, up until then I lead a life of work,bills,stress,kids and home, the same as everybody else and a lot of the time I struggled.I had no tools to help me cope.Then someone close to me passed away and I thought there has to be something else out there.I remember getting 2 Reiki treatments and could not believe the calmness and peace I felt and I knew this was it.It changed my life,my way of thinking and my stress levels!!As a result I am calmer, at peace and more understanding of people and situations and I would really love to help you experience this too.
Know and believe that you too are fully supported,surrounded,protected and loved .All you have to do is ask!!!
'I am in the light ,the light is in me and all is well'
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